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This phase is currently a catch-all for any future compontents of the Training and Learning Architecture. As the learning environment becomes more services focused, other aspects traditionally provided by an LMS will be defined as stand-alone components with standard interfaces. This approach will allow organizations to choose which components are right for them without the concerns of compatibility with existing services.

For you if..

  • Your organization does not have an existing LMS.
  • Your organization has a high tolerance for risk and change, and wants to be frontrunners of new learning environment specifications and standards.
  • Your existing or potential learning experience designs include various learning technology applications: mobile, blended learning, performance support, coaching, etc.
  • You want maximum flexibility in collecting learner experience data, and want to use that data to influence learning experience design and implementation.


  • Your organization is free to select only the services that meet your organization's needs.
  • Services can be added, removed and updated more easily in response to your organization's needs.
  • Your organization has greater access to data for use in many applications, such as reporting and analytics, feedback for design improvements, learner history and progress.